It's More Than Just Asking... with David Hoff, Institute for Community Inclusion - University of Massachusetts Boston and Stirling Peebles ,Think College Vermont - Center for Disability and Community Inclusion David and Stirling share strategies that will ensure that choice in terms of employment is truly “informed”, particularly for...
SE 101 is an extended course which assists people in securing their CESP and ACRE certifications. Upon completion of the course you will receive your ACRE certificate. SE101 Discussion Forum: Note that you will have Discussion Forum assignments throughout this course. We encourage you to take time to...
Networks Looks At... Employment These episodes center on the topic of employment, specifically around Employment for ALL citizens... Philadelphia DBHIDS has committed themselves to the belief that ALL people should have the opportunity for employment. This is emphasized in its Employment First initiative. Below is a listing of various areas of...
Braiding Funding & Sequencing of Services Katie Talliercio (Colorado Dept. of Healthcare Policy and Financing); Darby Remley (Colorado Division of Vocational Rehabilitation) Katie Talliercio and Darby Remley share how the state of Colorado has implemented structure and crucial partnerships between state agencies, focusing specifically...