Organizational Development

Brainstorming for Creative Person-Centered Solutions Sometimes thinking differently is necessary. Most times because "we" become so immersed in supporting someone every day details are missed. Is there a person in your life that you support personally or professionally that you may want assistance in thinking differently particularly...

with Rosa McAllister Length: 4 episodes, each 1 hr. Working as a team can be tough. This 2-part series shares various strategies for developing and leading effective teams. Both sessions must be viewed to earn a certificate. A brief knowledge check will follow. Part 1 and Part 1 ~ Using a True...

with Darla Wilkerson, Center for Disability Inclusion  and Sheree Patrick ,Great Southern Bank The Center for Disability Inclusion assists businesses in advancing their disability inclusion efforts in the workplace. This session provides insights from the business perspective on: - how hiring practices have shifted during the pandemic, -...

Listen as Dr. Jennings shares Greyston Bakery's approach to creating  an inclusive workforce, while providing opportunities to those who wish to work. Greyston now works with businesses interested in replicating their hiring...